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One of the best endorsements of The 53rd Parallel

One of the best endorsements of The 53rd Parallel

I mentioned Steve was traveling with his grandson. Dorian Assin is 18. (assin means something like ‘teaching rock’ in the Ojibway language). He seems to be a great kid, very respectful of his grandfather, really into video games, and eager for his last year of school to be over.

I happened to be watching yesterday when he noticed the open box of ‘The 53rd Parallel’ in the corner of the room. He picked up a copy, checked out the awesome cover that Elizabeth Turnbull at Light Messages designed, checked out the back cover, then put it down without any comment.

An hour or so later he picked it up again, and I could see he was reading the Introduction of Characters in the front of the book. Then he put the book down.

Steve and I went down to dinner after taping some conversations about our times together. When we returned Dorian came up and said “I read the first chapter of your book. I thought it was really cool.”

Man, did that bring a smile to my face.

Later, we all went to bed–he and his grandfather in the bedroom, me on the fold out couch–and just as I was ready to turn out the light he came out and sat at the foot of my bed and he said “This book is really amazing.”

Thanks Dorian.

1 Comment
  • Dorian Assin
    February 22, 2015 at 6:19 am

    Hey Carl, it’s been awhile since I’ve seen you. I’d like to hang out again sometime. And I’ve been reading your book from time to time. Been busy most of the time, but I’ll get to it soon. I hope it goes well for you! I am looking forward to hear back from you. Take care!

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